Saturday, November 7, 2015

This is for those of you in this world who might be spying on me. We are all being spied on in this world, I already know that. But I think some things need to be said. I was going to make a video but I'm just going to make this page instead.
I keep getting these weird "likes" on Jonsona's facebook page... recently from some "Illuminati" person. And earlier this year, I had to create a whole new facebook page for that stage name for I kept getting likes from people toting machine guns and special ops skull stuff - Listen, my music is for everyone, I don't discriminate but if you are some robot or weirdo toting machine guns or have illuminati in your name (short of being your band name)... do not "like", post on, comment on my pages or message me - it's really starting to get on my nerves!!!
If you are the government spying on me - yes, I have taken professional steps in the past to treat depression for I was a young sensitive artist person who got treated like shit a lot and was very naive and drank a lot back then for I was in the restaurant business and needed a place to gather my thoughts but I am a very gentle soul who is no threat to anyone on this planet! I had a segment in my "Perennial Promo" video of JFK with guns by his head (he did get shot) and then a talk to Bernie Sanders in the song, right after that segment and I got all freaked out (will "they" think this is some kind of threat?) No, it's freedom of speech and expressing concern for the issues in the world in an artistic manor but could see how it might be misread. I just find it weird that I keep getting all of these weird likes on my music facebook page for I do deal in "conspiracy" sometimes in my music and maybe since the page is public and I do deal with that subject often in my music and videos, it is just weird people and I'm making too much of it but if it is any powers that be or agencies spying on me, I will use my God given right and amendment right to express myself how I choose but I am no threat to society - I'm an artist and a musician! And to everyone else, you can express yourself too! But on MY pages on the internet, dealing with my art and music, you can cross the line with me with some things - I won't make a list, THIS time, but if you're some weirdo trying to get me to join the Illuminati or posting pictures of or have profile pictures of things severely inappropriate - you will be blocked and reported - I will not tolerate it on my pages!
So, in closing - I am not stupid, I am not unstable, crazy or a paranoid delusional freak and am not naive. If you enjoy my music and videos, I'm all yours! :) - If you are some extreme weirdo or spying entity - leave me alone! Thanks.

Jonsona (Jason Christopher)

This is a statement from Jonsona the entertainer and Twentysouth Entertainment unofficial production company. 2015